Physical filters perform the function of the screen, which reflects the ultraviolet rays. To do this, the cream is introduced, zinc oxide or titanium. Chemical filters absorb ultraviolet rays - good job with these derivatives of benzene, phenol, quinoline derivatives and others. Is This Program a Kyle Leon Scam?
In a tube of cream to be specified that the protective index of the drug, usually it looks like SPF 15 or SPF 30. Figure, which is in the marking, must be multiplied by 15, and we get a number of minutes, during which the cream will effectively protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation.
Recommended to put on one square centimeter of skin cream 2 milligrams (it is about 4 tablespoons to the body). Unfortunately, after bathing the cream mostly washed away and it must be re-applied to the body. Very good, if the first time a sunscreen is applied for 30 - 60 minutes before going to the beach.
Compliance with the above rules will help to make friends with the sun and get away from it as much pleasure and health.
Most ridiculous medical means - But rabbit droppings - this childish prank compared to some, much more bizarre methods of treatment that can be found in the annals of folk medicine. Introduction to Kyle Leon
We present some of them, but be warned: this article is by no means a guide to action. Attention! If you decide to use the experience of traditional healers in the home, Editorial not bear any responsibility for the consequences.
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