Few women know about it, there is at least one woman of fibroids affected: they grow as benign tumors in the uterus. They often go completely unnoticed, only if they make problems, the doctor must intervene. Still is then frequently advised to hysterectomy. But there are gentler methods. Is This Program a Kyle Leon Scam? http://www.kyleleonreviewscam.com/
Why fibroids occur at all, about it there are only guesses. "What you most likely know is that there is a genetic component," explains Prof. Matthias David of the Women's Clinic of the Charité in Berlin. If the mother is affected, including the daughter must reckon with the tumors. Similarly, the hormones play a role: a high estrogen levels promotes growth.
Also, wheat, pulses and animal protein, emotional stress, plasticizers, and too little exercise might favor the fibroid growth, says Reinhild Georgieff of the Association of Natural Medicine, Complementary and alternative medicine, acupuncture and environmental medicine at the German Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics.
To be diagnosed fibroids often only by chance during routine examinations. But sometimes fibroids do it directly noticeable. Symptoms are particularly severe and persistent bleeding. When the tumors grow quickly, they can also cause pain. Even women who try in vain for a year to become pregnant should think of fibroids. Who is Kyle Leon?
What exactly happens when a woman becomes pregnant with fibroids can be hard to forecast. Under the influence of pregnancy hormones, the tumors can grow even stronger.
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