Thursday, 28 November 2013

About the dangers of smoking says a lot

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About the dangers of smoking says a lot. However, scientists and doctors worry caused the spread of this addiction grows; as yet a significant number of people did not believe smoking is harmful to health.

Smoking - not a harmless activity, which can be thrown without effort, this is a real addiction and the more dangerous because many people do not take it seriously.

According to research scientists from different countries, myocardial infarction among smokers in 2 times, and sudden deaths caused by cardiovascular events, 3 times higher than among non-smokers. Long-term smoking people compared with non-smokers 13 times more likely to suffer angina, 10 times more - gastric ulcer.

Lung cancer among smokers is found 20 times more likely than non-smokers. Such comparisons can be continued indefinitely proved that the performance of students smoking is lower than non-smokers. When smoking retorting tobacco smoke in which harmful substances are distinguished: nicotine, hydrogen sulfide, acetic, formic, and butyric and hydrocyanic acid, pyridine, ethylene, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide gases, various resins radioactive polonium, etc. Introduction to Kyle Leon

These substances are deposited in the lung, released into the blood, cause vasospasms. Relatively recently found that harmful even be near the smoker, i.e., swallow and breathe tobacco smoke. It is now called passive smoking. It is especially harmful to children, pregnant and sick.

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