Friday, 22 November 2013

When a doctor needs to help

Interested parties have no interest in their environment and withdraw. They fear suddenly from situations that they could still cope well earlier and also the future worries. Kyle Leon The Most Professional Fitness Experts

Insomnia may also occur such as digestive problems, dry mouth, dizziness, palpitations, backache or headache may add a stooped posture. Many describe a sense of pressure in the head. Frequently there is also the fear of having other diseases.

Many are afraid of financial ruin. The desire for sex diminishes also. Some patients feel more comfortable at night than during the day.
When a doctor needs to help

According to the Barmer / GEK advise physicians to act as soon as the depressed mood that lasts more than two weeks, and several of the following symptoms are seen:

•    The detuning increases, more practically disappears and is hardly influenced by external circumstances.
•    It is difficult to get "into gear". Or feel weak and tired. Many never leave the bed.
•    The interest in activities that would otherwise have been fun lets by. Nothing is more enjoyable.
•    It is difficult to concentrate, to remember or make decisions.
•    Self-confidence and self-esteem dwindle.
•    Self-reproach or inappropriate guilt creep into the mind.
•    Sufferers are either restless or nervous or hardly move. Who is Kyle Leon?
•    Sleep disturbances occur.
•    One has no more or suddenly eating a lot of hunger.
•    The thoughts constantly revolve around the death. Many think of suicide.

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