Learn what fructose is
Recognized since 1956 the fructose is a metabolic disorder caused by the absence of the enzyme fructose-1-phosphate aldolase. Auto soma recessive inheritance was thought that its prevalence is underestimated due to diagnostic difficulty. Is This Program a Kyle Leon Scam? http://www.kyleleonreviewscam.com/
The aloes is a glycol tic pathway enzyme / glycogen that exists in forms A, B and C, and ladle B has the main substrate fructose-1-phosphate and glycogenic is found in tissues of liver, kidney and intestinal mucosa.
The accumulation of fructose-1-phosphate and fructose 1,6 bishop spate ladies (allies B) in the liver, kidney and small intestine.
Incidence: 1 in 20000-1 between 30,000 lives in certain parts of Europe born, and seems to be much less common in North America. Symptoms
Abdominal pain, vomiting, lethargy, sweating, hypoglycemia after ingestion of fructose or other sugars using the pathway of fructose-1-phosphate ladies (sucrose, sorted) patients develop an aversion to sweets, juices, fruit and vegetables.
Prolonged intake of fructose in infants leads to liver failure and (or) liver or death.
Hypoglycemia is the result of inhibition of glycol analyses by fructose-1-phosphate by pros pho r laze level and the level of gluon exogenesis aloes B mutant. The heap tamely can be found in all, but spleen omega. Introduction to Kyle Leon
Jaundice is common, but no signs of serious liver disease.
Diagnosis: fructose tolerance test, where an oral load of fructose first results in a decrease in serum phosphate and then decrease in plasma glucose Glycerin and serum phosphorus with min/45 min/60 min 0/15min/30 Dosage ladies.
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