Wednesday 20 November 2013

Breast cancer is the most common cancer of women

Chemotherapy, surgery, radiation therapy I hope that the cancer treatment took

Last fall I touched the lump in her left breast. Instructed stories from various movies I prefer to go straight to the doctor and followed wheel tests: ultrasound, mammogram and biopsy. Is This Program a Kyle Leon Scam?

After about a week I confirmed malignancy. Thirty-seven, a reader wrote to Clare next installment of our series my battle with the disease.

A diagnosis of cancer can be heard in my life every third inhabitant Czech Republic A.

Breast cancer is the most common cancer of women

I was quite surprised myself with how calm I accepted the diagnosis. I wanted to be strong and fight for your life.
The worst thing for me was to inform parents about their disease. I had a feeling that it is far more difficult than for me at the moment the disease.

But they finally received surprisingly quietly and all the time I have been a great support, especially loving and practical care of my mother to me a lot of help.

In early December I started the treatment. I really gentle approach helped doctors and nurses. Detailed and clearly explained to me what I'm getting and what the course of treatment. 100% Money Back Guarantee

Treatment began chemotherapy

In my case, the tumor had treated only with chemotherapy and subsequent operations. I did not know how it will all suffer, if I'm going to be sick or there are any complications. I have heard that it is very individual and I soon learned that I was not afraid, but rather take chemotherapy as a means to heal and destroy the tumor.

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