Monday 18 November 2013

The symptoms f maturation

Psychological: Depression, dementia, anxiety, psychosis, paranoia, irritability, irritability, confusion, behavioral changes
Other: Muscle pain and weakness Glossaries (inflamed tongue), burning, painful or irritating tongue, sensitive mouth Fatigue, drowsiness, weakness

Nausea, loss of appetite, weight loss menstrual problems, such as lack menstruation, heavy menstruation, excessive menstruation, and menstrual pain worsened. Kyle Leon The Most Professional Fitness Experts


Shortness of breath, chest tightness, palpitations


Paleness of the skin

Feeling cold



Hair Loss

Changes in vision, blurred vision

Intestinal complaints

Incontinence and / or increased urination


Supplements for vegetarians. Who is Kyle Leon?

Vegetarians need in principle to use, no extra vitamins or minerals, provided they are sufficiently varied and plenty of food.
Food for vegans.

The opinions that apply to vegetarians, apply in principle also for vegans. But because vegans no products of animal origin food, a lack of vitamin B12 occur. Vitamin B12 is important for the nervous system and the production of red blood cells. Hand-made veggie burgers are fortified with vitamin B12, but meat substitutes like tofu and temper contain no vitamin B12. Is also of seaweeds and algae claimed that this good plant sources of vitamin would be. B12 these products contain a form of vitamin B12, but this form is not functional for man.

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